How many types of residential sprinkler systems are there?
There are many systems out there, but ultimately, they can be split between a Sprinkler and Water Mist System that can be installed in your home – both come with their own benefits. Standalone sprinkler systems do not use a home’s water supply: they have their own backflow valves and pipes. They’re low maintenance, using copper or orange-plastic tubing. However, they require a huge water tank to operate and the unsightly appearance of the sprinkler head nozzle sticking out of the ceiling in a domestic setting is widely regarded as unsuitable for a family home.
The second type is a water mist suppression system, which uses your home’s mains plumbing, a custom-made pump that’s small enough to fit in a kitchen cupboard and a discreet nozzle that sits flush to the ceiling and disperses water mist at 1000 times smaller than a water droplet! Some water mist systems also come with flow alarms that, when activated, save valuable time after calling the fire department. Multi-use units are becoming common in newly constructed open plan houses. While retrofitting them is an option it comes with its own set of challenges.