Mist sprinkler systems react to the temperature of their surroundings. Once the temperature reaches 57 0C, the sprinkler system sprays mist to lower the temperature of the fire and suppress it. Sprinklers get triggered one system at a time. Automatic sprinkler systems can lower the cost of constructing a building, by eliminating the need of compartmentation (to prevent a fire from spreading). Installing a mist sprinkler system can decrease the number of fire protection structures the builders would have had to include otherwise.
Since mist sprinkler systems react faster to fires than conventional sprinkler systems, people, especially vulnerable people, or those with little or no mobility have more time to escape to safety in the event of a fire. Businesses are also able to get employees to safety, in the event of a fire, if mist sprinkler systems are installed in the premises. Mist sprinkler systems are effective in most types of premises, we suggest you seek professional advice prior to committing to one waymethod of fire suppression. Other than installing fire alarms, fire doors and emergency signage, you can make your property safer with a mist sprinkler system.